When I moved to the midwest over a decade ago, I was introduced to a game people take very seriously up here – Cornhole. At first, I didn’t understand how throwing a bean bag through a hole could provide hours of fun – but soon came to love the game and the memories that accompanied it. Maybe this game was popular in the south where I grew up and I never noticed, but up here you couldn’t attend a party or tailgate without it present.
Now, I’ve introduced the game to my kids and they love it too. It’s the summer go-to with friends and pairs nicely with a micro brew (I might add)!
Recently while attending the Chicago Toy & Game Fair convention with my two boys, I met two gentlemen who reinvented the “bags” game with the Bean Bag Bucketz game. My kids couldn’t get enough of this new concept and we had to drag them away from the B3 booth. I was sad to learn the launch of Bean Bags Bucketz wasn’t until after the holidays because I knew this new game would be a parenting win under the tree.
I kept in touch with the product and business development director so we could get our hands on one once they launched and he graciously sent me a prototype of this clever new game. Since then, it’s been a life saver this winter. It’s small enough to play inside and folds down to fit in its own little carrying bag for easy storage. This will also be perfect for our summer picnics, beach outings, and neighborhood block parties, too! We can’t wait!
As an entrepreneur and marketing gal myself, I love to support fellow entrepreneurs chasing their own dreams – especially when I, too, believe in their product/or idea.
The story behind the Bean Bag Bucketz is what family memories are made of. The idea was born at the beach, the Jersey Shore to be exact. While on a sandy vacation, their kids got bored and decided they had enough of the beach. So B3’s Creator, Anthony, came up with a fun way to entertain his boys. Anthony placed large shells on the end of a stick and had the kids toss small seashells to knock off the bigger shells. Hours later, both dad and the boys agreed – they’ve created a fun and entertaining game!
Addicted from the start, this became their go-to game the rest of the trip. Back at home Anthony couldn’t get their seaside fun out of his head. Working through countless iterations, the concept of Bean Bag Bucketz came to fruition. After connecting with Philipp, his new partner with serious experience in the toy & retail world, the duo came together to develop this great social nonstop on-the-go game. B3/ Bean Bag Bucketz was born.
Here are my own kids enjoying the Bean Bag Bucketz. It’s our Saturday night ritual.
Interested in learning more? Check out their website.
Or order yours today!