My husband had to interrupt his viewing pleasures and leave the room for twenty minutes. I hated that he had to leave during this procedure. Epidurals scare me and I wanted his support. This was also the last thing I feared so I just wanted to get through it. Once the Anesthesiologists came in with her team, my very nice supportive nurse was going on break and substituted a not-so-friendly nurse to assist. Crap! I wanted her to hold my hand and give me words of encouragement but she was cold as ice. Epidurals make me feel very faint at first. At one point I was afraid I was going to hit the floor and become paralyzed since there was a catheter in my spine! I know… dramatic, but this was my first thought when Mrs. Frost-y Cold Heart would not hold my hand.
The Epidural hurt much worse this time around. I had breaks between my contractions so I could feel more of the pain in my back. Luckily it was quick and once the nausea subsided they laid me down on my side to relax.
My husband brought back food and I watched him eat as I salivated. What’s the worse that can happen if I had a little bit of food, right? Once the nurses left I made him sneak me some pretzels. Let’s keep that between us.
Around 5 pm, the nurse came in to check on me. After reviewing the monitor she asked if I could feel any pressure. I felt some but really wasn’t sure if I was ready to push. I figured I had another few hours of labor.
“Well looks like it will be soon, so let me know when you start to feel like you have to make a bowl movement.”
Whoa! Already? About five minutes after she left the room I started to feel some pressure. I called her back in to check me.
“Yes, he’s ready. Let’s start pushing!”
I started crying tears of joy. I had only been in labor a few hours and I was about to meet my little man? My doctor then came in and proceeded to put on her gear, which looked more like she was the lead character in the Hurt Locker.
“Wow Doc, that’s some intense gear. You would think I was about to explode on you.”
She chuckled, “You’d be surprised.”
“I don’t like surprises, so let’s keep those to a minimum.”
“Alright, let’s have a baby!”
My only complaint now was I could see a reflection in her oversized safety glasses. Yikes, is that me? Don’t look! The last thing I wanted was to see was my lady-parts pushing out a baby. I tried to close my eyes and just focus on pushing.
I pushed for about twenty minutes. Right toward the end the doctor told me she may have to cut me if he didn’t come out on the next push. This must have scared the baby and more importantly me because on the next push he appeared.
Then came my favorite moment. The one where you make eye contact with this little life you have been dreaming about for the last nine months. It’s so powerful it brings the strongest to their knees. It is a moment I wish I could stop in time and savor more than time allows. It is one that will make me happy for the rest of my life. My son was finally here. They put him on my chest, which is something I didn’t get to experience with my first son. It was amazing. My husband and I both cried. It was the perfect moment.
I was released on Wednesday just in time for Thanksgiving, which seemed fitting as I have so much to be thankful for. Is it too early to say I already want another one? I wonder if my husband would agree? Wishful thinking.
Meet my little man, Alexander: